What's In A Name Party
This needs to be done in advance. Write down all your guests' names. Look up the meaning in a baby name book. (Some names are derived from another name, use that meaning.) I n one column list their names, and in another column list all the different meanings. Your guests have to guess whose name matches what meaning. (If a guest has an unusual name not found, list a corky character trait that person has. i.e. - Jazzton = likes to belch and fart on command.) Or you can use a funny physical description (i.e. - she walks around the office with a pen on each ear!) or character traits, instead of looking up the meaning. Make sure the descriptions aren't too harsh or embarrassing. You can get suggestions from other guests.
The Perfect Baby
Ask the guests the following questions – “According to the mother-to-be, her perfect baby would have …” For example, pretend the mother's name is “Jane” and the father's name is “John”.
So one question would be:
Who's eyes would the mother to be like the baby have: Jane's or John's.” The person who guesses the mother's-to-be most perfect baby, the one with the most correct guesses wins.
Some other games
How Many Jelly Beans?
Fill a baby bottle with little jelly beans (or other small candy, try to find baby themed candy at candy stores). Show the baby shower ideas participants the baby bottle and have them guess how many beans or candy are in the baby bottle. How about picking the mom's favorite candy to use for the baby shower ideas? Or use baby pins instead of candy in the guessing game for the baby shower ideas for a low calorie version!
Grab The Pins
Another baby shower ideas relay using clothes pins and milk bottles. Choose two baby shower ideas participants to hold a long cord outstretched. The cord should already be set up with numerous clothes pins attached, thus resembling a clothes line. Each baby shower ideas participant uses one hand to remove as many clothes pins off the line as possible. The catch is that she can not transfer any pins to her other hand. She must use the same hand to hold and grab. As soon as she drops one, she’s out of this baby shower game.
Dirty Diapers
Fold white napkins or cloths into little diapers and fasten each with a small diaper pin. Place an unwrapped Hershey's chocolate kiss inside one of the napkins. Hand the "diapers" out to the baby shower ideas participants. Whoever lands the dirty diaper wins the "poopie" prize - a queen-size bag of chocolate kisses. (Warning: winner may lose appetite for chocolate kisses.) Here’s another less tasteful version of the baby shower ideas diaper game. Before the baby shower, take some disposable diapers and number them on the outside. Then, spread the inside of each with various food items having distinctive smells (i.e. tuna, horseradish, Italian dressing, garlic, mustard) Close each diaper up. When you’re ready to play baby shower ideas, pass out paper and pens to the baby shower guests and then quickly grab your camera for hilarious photo ops. Pass each diaper around for the players to smell, trying to identify the odors. The one with the most correct guesses wins!
Baby Ballons
Grandma may not be up for this baby shower ideas, but hopefully there are a few zippy gals at your baby shower who are willing to go for it! Place two laundry baskets across the room from each other, one filled with about 10 party balloons. Divide the baby shower ideas participants into two teams and watch the hysterics as your guests waddle across the room, clutching a balloon between their knees. The object of this baby shower ideas is to land the balloon in the other laundry basket without using hands. (Shaking, wiggling and hopping over the basket to free the balloon are all encouraged.) After the baby shower ideas participant gets her balloon in the basket, she runs back to her team so the next team member can begin. Up to two teams can go at the same time using four baskets. Whichever baby shower ideas team gets the most balloons in the basket within a certain time frame wins. Make sure to give mom-to-be an honorary turn.
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- Charitha
- Hi friends,Welcome to womensera i love tasty vegetarian food,travelling,reading books,crafts,tennis are my hobbies..Friends here i am sharing Few vegetarian recipes..If you like my recipes feel free to leave me comments
Nice information, this is really useful for me. There is nothing to argue about. Keep posting stuff like this i really like it. Thanks and God Bless.
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